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Earth Science B for Credit Recovery

CDLS Credit Recovery (CR) courses are designed for students who have taken a course and failed it. 


CR courses are organized so that students can take a pre-test for each lesson/unit. The exemption of activities is based on which content in the pre-test that the student demonstrates mastery in, not the overall "grade" on the pre-test.

In the second semester, students will explore how Earth’s surface changes through plate tectonics and geological processes. Students will also take a step back in time to see how the Earth and life developed through its timescale. By the end of the course, students will be able to explain the different systems on Earth, how they affect each other, and how the Earth is changing due to human activity. This course will give students tools and information to examine their daily choices in response to ongoing natural hazards like climate change and find ways to protect the Earth and its natural resources. Students will use critical thinking and problem-solving skills to learn through videos, reading, interactive activities, mini-projects, labs, and simulations based on real-world data. The course assignments are designed to explicitly engage students in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Performance Expectations (PEs). In many cases, students will apply Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) to construct an understanding of Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) through the lens of Crosscutting Concepts (CCs) to explain a phenomenon. The discussion assignments focus on enabling students to make informed decisions about personal and societal issues. Students will be assessed through lesson quizzes and semester exams.

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